One of my fondest memories of comfort food was mashed potato sandwiches with butter and salt. No carbs there, right?
So, when I cut carbs from my diet I really, REALLY missed mashed potato.
I made cauliflower mash a few times and it was like a bowl of watery, mushy, mashed cauliflower. And while I love cauliflower; it ain’t mashed potato.
What I was missing was that creamy, velvety mouthfeel of mashed potato.
I searched online sites and tried adding chives and cream and garlic and all kinds of things, so I know that even a simple dish like this can be hard to get your head around in the beginning. And it gets disheartening, I know.
I pinky-swear promise that you won’t be disappointed with this recipe.
Make it. Post it. Tag me.